Book Review

Review of “Think Like a Monk: Training Your Mind for Peaceful Living”

Exploring the Path to Inner Peace

Many people share the dream and aspiration of achieving a peaceful life. Moreover, you’ve probably desired a life filled with serenity at some point as well. However, the truth is, we can all attain a happier life if we are willing to make the effort. There are numerous ways to find inner peace, and the book “Think Like a Monk: Training Your Mind for Peaceful Living” is an intriguing reference for those seeking the peace they’ve longed for.

In addition, this book introduces the concept of thinking like a monk and offers a plethora of inspiration and practical tips that you can immediately incorporate into your daily routine. Furthermore, it provides an opportunity for you to better understand and connect with yourself.

Think Like a Monk: A Review

Never before have so many people felt as unsatisfied as they do today—or as preoccupied with the pursuit of “happiness.” Culture and media inundate us with portrayals and notions of who we are and what we should become. They do this while offering examples of achievements and success. However, fame, wealth, and glamour: Ultimately, none of these can truly satisfy us. Thinking like a monk offers an alternative perspective on how we view and approach life. It’s an approach filled with detachment, rediscovery, focus, discipline, and service.

The aim of this book Think Like a Monk or monk-like thinking is a life free from ego, envy, desire, anxiety, anger, bitterness, and burdens. Moreover, adopting this mindset is not just possible—it’s necessary. We have no other choice. We need to discover tranquility, silence, and peace.

Embracing Self-Awareness: Additionally, the book emphasizes the importance of embracing self-awareness and self-discovery as a path to inner peace. By recognizing the role of our thoughts, we can understand and manage negative emotions more effectively.

Review of "Think Like a Monk: Training Your Mind for Peaceful Living"

The Power of Breath: Within oneself, inner peace can be found. The book highlights the significance of mindfulness and breath training as initial steps toward leading a tranquil life. It underscores the importance of breathing exercises as an essential tool for achieving serenity.

Relationships and Empathy: Furthermore, Think Like a Monk offers practical advice on dealing with negative thoughts, fears, and building better relationships with those around us. It underscores the significance of empathy, listening, and genuine care for others.

Spiritual Growth: Regardless of one’s religious or spiritual beliefs, the book provides insights and practical tips for enhancing spiritual intelligence. It covers universal topics related to self-identity and the meaning of life, offering profound inspiration and perspectives.

Letting Go, Transforming, and Sharing: In addition, the three main sections of the book mirror three critical aspects that require greater attention for finding inner peace. Supported by research and studies, the book delves into various fascinating discussions.


Reading this book, Think Like a Monk, is best done slowly. Consequently, absorb each discussion, practice the tips and practical advice for a more peaceful life, and earnestly engage in self-discovery to attain the serenity you desire. Jay Shetty, a #1 New York Times bestselling author, authored this book. Moreover, it has the potential to transform your life in enlightening ways.